Our Strategic Philosophy

Creativity drives results.

Creativity makes a message fresh, engaging and motivating to an audience. We use clear language, apt analogies and imaginative visuals to reach targets on all platforms. We help turn prospects into customers, create more motivated employees and help organizations present a better face to the world.

Seven pillars of corporate writing.

Over the years, we’ve distilled a few basic guidelines for effective communications. We keep them front of mind in all we do.

  1. Think broadly
    Where will people will see the work? On their phones? Computers? Print? Podcast? Snapchat? Assume all of the above. Design your communications for clarity and impact on every platform.
  2. Education is sales.
    Nobody likes to be “sold” but everyone likes to learn. Explain your proposition in such a logical and straightforward way that once it is grasped, action becomes inevitable.
  3. Ideas, not wordplay.
    There is no substitute for a strong strategy. Even the best words are just clothing. If you don’t have a strong strategy, think harder.
  4. The briefer, the better.
    We exist in a world of short attention spans. Boil it down without dumbing it down.
  5. Start at the top.
    This should be obvious. State your argument up front and put your strongest points first.
  6. Keep it clean.
    Avoid unnecessary modifiers. Let verbs do the work.
  7. Be the brand.
    Speak not only for the brand but as the brand.